
  1. Fetch HTTP Headers : curl --head ""

  2. List contents of directory : curl --list-only ""

  3. Redirect query as specified by a 3xx response : curl --location ""

  4. Check whether a site is down : curl --head --show-error ""

  5. Send form data : curl --form "username=seth" --form "password=12345678" ""

  6. Send a file as form data : curl --form "profile=@me.jpg" ""

  7. Send contents of a file as form data : curl --form "description=<" ""

  8. Specify HTTP Method : curl --request POST --data "Foo: bar" ""

  9. Curl post request :curl -d "name=username&password=123456"

  10. -s option doesnt show any error msg : curl -s URL

  11. curl -s -d "username=test&password=xyz&submit=submit" -X POST http://ip/login/

  12. curl -s --cookie "zyx=1" http://ip/

  13. curl -s --user-agent "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 13_1_2 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/13.0.1 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1"

  14. curl -s --referer "" http://zyx/free_sub/

  15. -H flag : sends additional preflight request headers to the server : curl -s -H "egg: Yes" http://ip/

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